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Kartes Gign Cs:s


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Es Jums atklāšu noslēpumu, lai nebūtu nevajadzīgu diskusiju.

Visas kartes tiks atstātas, neviena no defaultajām kartēm netiks ņemta laukā. Ja kaut kas tiks mainīts, tad kartes nāks tikai klāt, nevis pretēji.

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Visas kartes tiks atstātas, neviena no defaultajām kartēm netiks ņemta laukā. Ja kaut kas tiks mainīts, tad kartes nāks tikai klāt, nevis pretēji.

Paldies! :thumbsup: btw, kad jaunās tiks liktas klāt?

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:thumbsup: btw, kad jaunās tiks liktas klāt?

Tad, kad wormam būs laiks! Viņu neviens nevar pasteidzināt un varbūt ar nevajag, jo ja apniks, tad vispār mož aizklapēs ciet visu pasākumu - paziņojums viņam ir par to, ka kartes vajadzētu pievienot!

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No manas puses sekojošas mapes varu rekomendēt:







Pirmas 2 varetu noteikti, par inferno varbut nedaudz pats saubos,labi ir vsmz k-kas cits pec skata,saglabajot to pasu balansu komandas,bet karte reali ir taa pati. Velviens + gan,ka FPS tiem kuriem klasiskaja inferno mazs,seit bus daudz lielaks. Bet pirmas 2tiesam ir ok :)

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:thumbsup: Paldies miiUNzee - vakar baigi teica, lai šito uzliekot - baigi laba! Zināju, ka tāda nav, bet pačekoju un uzmeklēju karti un teikšu godīgi - BAIGI LABA!

Sīkāks info:

- This is the FULL version of the map and supports up to 32 players.

- If you run a LARGE server (more than 32 slots) then you need to run the _LITE version of this map



Remake of the old 1.X map de_vegas (original credits below). Stayed true to the original layout. Nearly all the old angles are still there. Changed a few secrets, and added a few more. Most changes to the map are purely visual.

Islamic extremists have targeted Sin City for their next strike against the American way of life. Hoping to further cripple the US economy, a string of attacks have been coordinated and executed in the fabulous city of Las Vegas, Nevada.

The intensity of the strikes increase as the CT's initial response teams quickly become overwhelmed, effectively turning Las Vegas into a war zone.

Your squad has been assigned to respond to an unidentified helicopter landing at the High Times Hotel & Casino, the sight of an earlier attack which claimed the lives of several of your fellow agents.

Homeland Security has identified the strike and confirmed that the terrorist have two probable objectives that they are likely to attempt to destroy.

Target A: As a moral statement, the terrorists have been detonating bombs at strip clubs across the city all night. It is suspected that the High Times Lounge will be the next club to be hit. The club is identifiable by the large Sphinx statue outside of its entrance.

Target B: The previous attack at this location was a failed effort to empty the casino's vault. It is probable that this second attack is an attempt to finish the job. Allowing the terrorists to escape the scene with the funds is unacceptable. Secure & hold the vault!





#4 (kur nu bez automātiem) :)



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Serverī baisi pietrūkst awp kartes...

Edited by Spec_Alfa
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:thumbsup: Paldies miiUNzee - vakar baigi teica, lai šito uzliekot - baigi laba! Zināju, ka tāda nav, bet pačekoju un uzmeklēju karti un teikšu godīgi - BAIGI LABA!

Sīkāks info:

- This is the FULL version of the map and supports up to 32 players.

- If you run a LARGE server (more than 32 slots) then you need to run the _LITE version of this map



Remake of the old 1.X map de_vegas (original credits below). Stayed true to the original layout. Nearly all the old angles are still there. Changed a few secrets, and added a few more. Most changes to the map are purely visual.

Islamic extremists have targeted Sin City for their next strike against the American way of life. Hoping to further cripple the US economy, a string of attacks have been coordinated and executed in the fabulous city of Las Vegas, Nevada.

The intensity of the strikes increase as the CT's initial response teams quickly become overwhelmed, effectively turning Las Vegas into a war zone.

Your squad has been assigned to respond to an unidentified helicopter landing at the High Times Hotel & Casino, the sight of an earlier attack which claimed the lives of several of your fellow agents.

Homeland Security has identified the strike and confirmed that the terrorist have two probable objectives that they are likely to attempt to destroy.

Target A: As a moral statement, the terrorists have been detonating bombs at strip clubs across the city all night. It is suspected that the High Times Lounge will be the next club to be hit. The club is identifiable by the large Sphinx statue outside of its entrance.

Target B: The previous attack at this location was a failed effort to empty the casino's vault. It is probable that this second attack is an attempt to finish the job. Allowing the terrorists to escape the scene with the funds is unacceptable. Secure & hold the vault!





#4 (kur nu bez automātiem) :)



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Serverī baisi pietrūkst awp kartes...

izkatās jau baigi labā :khehehe:

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Uz 1.6 jau tā ir z-svētku klasika - lai tā būtu arī uz CS:S

Par karti sīkāk lasīt TE

Karti kačāt ŠEIT

Cerams, ka ātri noreaģēsim, lai var kapāt z-svētkos atbilstošu karti :thumbsup:

un pie reizes...


Arī uz gign 1.6 jau esoša karte

Sīkāk lasām TE

de_vostok kačājam TE

Edited by Spec_Alfa
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  • 2 weeks later...



nokačāt un apskatīt.



mans vērtējums: mape ir gan maza, gan liela taj pašā laikā, viņā var spēlēt ļoti daudz cilvēki un ļoti daudz, manuprāt mape ir ļoti interesanta un spēlējama.



nokačāt un apskatīt



mans vērtējums: manuprāt lieks, mape daudziem ja ne visiem zināma un ļoti laba, abām komandām ir pietiekami daudz iespēju vinēt.

p.s es ceru, ka vismaz šīs kartes tiks ieliktas, lai gan vajadzētu ielikt diezgan daudz, jo pārsvarā tiek spēlētas tikai office, dd2, inferno, nuke uz riņķi un jau sāk apnikt šīs visas zināmās mapes, kuras murgos rādās un ar acīm ciet var iziet, tapēc cerams, ka būs, kas jauns un neredzēts.

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