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Manuprāt,visizdevušākais apdeits pēc ilgiem laikiem, i padomāts,lai būtu interesanti komjunitijam, i cepures.

Kāds varētu parūpēties,par šo.


Added the Replay feature: http://www.teamfortress.com/replayupdate

Known issue with Mac replay rendering being blurry will be fixed in the next update

Launched the First Annual Saxxy Awards: http://www.teamfortress.com/saxxyawards

Added 8 new Replay achievements

Added 10 new hats

Added The Director's Vision, an item that provides you with a new taunt

Fixed a problem with certain equippable items rendering incorrectly on the loadout screen

Fixed a problem causing the Mann Co. store previews to render incorrectly

Crafted items will now remember/display who crafted them

Added a reward for the early crafters of new items

Added a new style to the Aperture Labs Hard Hat

Added a new style to the Blighted Beak

Fixed bugs with the refurbish items interface so that some properties will no longer be un-removable under certain circumstances

Fixed the briefcase not being drawn on players when it's being carried in CTF maps(BEIDZOT)

Fixed the Gloves of Running Urgently not using the correct skin in the character loadout screen

Fixed the Kritzkrieg not drawing the correct model in the character loadout screen

Fixed the Horseless Headless Horsemann displaying the burning material in DirectX8

Fixed the Aperture Labs Hard Hat displaying the burning material in DirectX8

Fixed removing the burning/jarated conditions on players who are being critboosted by a Medic using the Kritzkrieg

Added Mad Milk to the conditions that are cleared when players are made invulnerable by a Medic with an ÜberCharge

For web developers: added tool and capability information to the IEconItems_440/GetSchema Web API

Buģem ģeļat muviki.

Edited by mrzombie
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Vajag gign'ā to opciju, ka var replay'us saglabāt. /:(

Jā, tas pievilinātu arī tautu no citām valstīm, jo pašlaik ir cilvēki kuri mēģina dabūt tieši kādu ierakstu, nevis spēlēt tikai uz jautrību.

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reku 7sec video.

Bet vispaar tas editors buutu kruts, vinsh tikai lako dazhas funkcijas. Piemeeram es saprotu, ka nav iespeejams uztaisiit rewindu normaalu, bet vareejua pielikt timeline, kur tu vari ielikt punktus, uz kuriem tev buutu nepieciesham rewindod, tad tas toolis patieshaam buutu reaali un efektiivi izmantojams. Tagad, ja video parsniedz pus minuuti, var nospraagt vislaik rewindojot un mainot kameras lenkji.

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Es nesaprotu ja uplodo video kur vinu pectam var atrast? :D

Un seit pus vajadzigais lai ietu replays "cik es sapratu" taka gogo macho :D

"replay_delay" = "30" min. 0.000000 max. 120.000000


- Replay broadcast delay in seconds

"replay_allow_static_shots" = "1"


- Auto director uses fixed level cameras for shots

"replay_allow_camera_man" = "1"


- Auto director allows spectators to become camera man

"replay_dofileserver_cleanup_on_start" = "1"

game client

- Cleanup any stale replay data (both locally and on fileserver) at startup.

"replay_fileserver_offload_enable" = "0"

game client

- If enabled, offload session blocks to a secondary machine using the replay_offload_* convars.

"replay_fileserver_offload_protocol" = "ftp"

game client

- Must be "ftp"

"replay_fileserver_offload_hostname" = ""

game client

- Hostname for FTP server where session blocks will be offloaded.

"replay_fileserver_offload_port" = "21"

game client

- Port number for FTP server where session blocks will be offloaded.

"replay_fileserver_offload_remotepath" = "/"

game client

- Remote path where blocks will be stored on the FTP server for session block offloading.

"replay_fileserver_offload_login" = ""

game client

- Login for session block offloading.

"replay_fileserver_offload_password" = ""

game client

- Login for session block offloading.

"replay_fileserver_offload_maxuploads" = "1"

game client

- The maximum number of concurrent uploads allowed.

"replay_fileserver_protocol" = "http"

client replicated

- Can be "http" or "https"

"replay_fileserver_host" = ""

client replicated

- The hostname of the Web server hosting replays. This can be an IP or a hostname, e.g. "" or "www.myserver.com"

"replay_fileserver_port" = "80"

client replicated

- The port for the Web server hosting replays. For example, if your replays are stored at "", replay_fileserver_port should be 4567.

"replay_fileserver_path" = ""

client replicated

- If your replays are stored at "", replay_fileserver_path should be set to "/tf/replays"

"replay_block_dump_interval" = "10" min. 10.000000 max. 30.000000


- The server will write partial replay files at this interval when recording.

"replay_demolifespan" = "1" min. 1.000000 max. 30.000000

client replicated

- The number of days before cleaning up replay demos. Modifying this number will not affect the lifespan of existing replays.

"replay_local_fileserver_path" = ""


- The file server local path. For example, "c:\MyWebServer\htdocs\replays" or "/MyWebServer/htdocs/replays".

"replay_buffersize" = "32" min. 16.000000


- Maximum size for the replay memory buffer.

"replay_snapshotrate" = "16" min. 0.000000


- Snapshots broadcasted per second



- Starts Replay demo recording.



- Stop Replay demo recording.



- Run a sanity check on replay server setup.



- Deletes stale session data from the fileserver. "replay_docleanup force" will remove all replay session data.



- Do a replay publish test using the current setup.



- Print session info

"replay_enable" = "0" min. 0.000000 max. 1.000000

client replicated

- Enable Replay recording on server

"replay_flushinterval" = "15" min. 1.000000 max. 60.000000

client archive

- Replay system will flush to disk a maximum of every replay_flushinterval seconds.

"replay_cleanup_time" = "1" min. 1.000000 max. 24.000000

client replicated

- The Replay system will periodically remove stale .dem files from disk. This variable represents the amount of time (in hours) between each cleanup.

"replay_debug" = "0"


- Replay debug info.

"sv_maxreplay" = "0" min. 0.000000 max. 15.000000

- Maximum replay time in seconds

"replay_port" = "27040"

- Host Replay port

//Replay config file

replay_enable 1 //Enable replay system

replay_fileserver_protocol "http" //Protocol of the file server (HTTP or HTTPS)

replay_fileserver_host "mywebsite.com" //Address of the website the replays will be on

replay_fileserver_port "80" //Port your web server is running on (should be 80)

replay_fileserver_path "/tf2/replays" //Path on the site the replays will be on (i.e. http://mywebsite.com/tf2/replays)

replay_demolifespan "1" //Number of days replays will be stored before being deleted

//replay_local_fileserver_path //The path to the replay folder locally (Uncomment one of these)

//replay_local_fileserver_path "/var/www/tf2/replays" //Linux Example

//replay_local_fileserver_path "C:\xampp\htdocs\tf2\replays" //Windows Example

//Offload Settings

replay_fileserver_offload_enable 0 //Enable replay offload

replay_fileserver_offload_hostname "ftp.mywebsite.com" //Address of the offload server

replay_fileserver_offload_port "21" //FTP port of the offload server

replay_fileserver_offload_remotepath "/public_html/" //Path on the FTP server to the correct folder

replay_fileserver_offload_login "user" //Username for FTP

replay_fileserver_offload_password "password" //Password for FTP

replay_fileserver_offload_maxuploads "1" //Maximum number of uploads running at one time

Edited by Su1c1deR
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uz gigna enabloti repleyi... vieniigi suudi, ka serveris deelj taa mazliet ielago.... Vieniigi ir taa ka tie lagi ir taadi pashi, kaadi bija speleejot uz valves servera- ik pa laikam iekjeraas/nedaudz pamet uz atpakalj....varbut paarkonfigureejot vinju to bugu iespeejams noveerst(jo ir arii bijushi serveri uz kuriem taada laga nav), vai arii jaagaida bugfix.

Edited by RiSKS
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Jā, lago smagi...

+ ievēroju fīču, ja uzraksta sm_slay vai sm_slap , tad serveris nobrūk. sad

sm_scramblenow arī uzkar serveri

Edited by AmE
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nu lagot varetu del tiem 30cilvekiem jo citur kur spele apmeram 15-20 ir okey bet aizejot uz 30speletaju serveriem ir AVARIJA

varbut varetu 30slotu serveri pardalit uz 2 15?


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Karoči, biju vienā ārzemnieku serverī, arī lagoja drausmīgi, bet čalis pamainīja kaut kādus laikus un lagi ievērojami samazinājās. Nepazuda, bet vismaz retāki palika.

Paskatījos steam forumos un par to laikam šitais cvars atbild: replay_block_dump_interval "15"

Hz, neesmu speciālists.

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kā var uztaisīt vairāk kā vienu kadru mūvijā? viņam ir start take un end take. Un viss. es nevaru pamainīt kameras, neko, vienkārši nofilmē vienu kadru un viss. a mūvikos ko citi taisa lielākoties ir vairāki kadri. wtf?

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Cik es sapratu bija taa- nofilmee no viena lenkja visu, tad saac pa jaunu vinju atskanjot un tajaa vietaa kur vajag uzliec no cita lenkja, tad vajadzeetu izmest erroram, ka vinsh tiisies paari pirmajam uznjeemumam....

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Es jau tā darīju, tad viss kas man palika, bija tas otrs kadrs, pirmais pazuda pilnībā.

ā un vēl, man nerenderējas 720p kvalitātē (cik forši, ņemot vērā, ka tā ir ZEMĀKĀ pieļaujamā kvalitāte), tikai zemākās. Tb renderējas, bet viss nenormāli tumšs.

superīga kvalitāte sanāca - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WjXPE8ub_3Q

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Nu tiko pameeginaaju(un dabuuju achivmentu)- tu atver to demo- skaties liidz vietai kur tev vajag- uzspied space uzliec starting pointu uzliec vajadziigo kameru, uzspied space tev filmeejaas.... kad vajag mainiit cameru uzspied veelreiz space nomaini kameru, atkal space- turpina filmeeties no jaunaas kameras, liidz uzliec beigu punktu. Ja gribi kko mainiit, tad no taas vietas uz priekshu viss buus jaafilmee no jauna- tiec liidz vietai, lidz kurai gribi mainiit- space, paarvieto kameru, atkal space un filmee visu kaa vajag.

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kā var uztaisīt vairāk kā vienu kadru mūvijā? viņam ir start take un end take. Un viss. es nevaru pamainīt kameras, neko, vienkārši nofilmē vienu kadru un viss. a mūvikos ko citi taisa lielākoties ir vairāki kadri. wtf?

tu vari exportet video un editot caur sony vegas vai kautko citu

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Cilvēki izpalīdziet, lūdzu!

Kā lai es izveidoju video failu. Man met logu, kurš saka, ka man vajag quicktime, bet quicktime player'i es it kā novillku, bet met to logu ārā vienalga.


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PC norestartēji? :) Man itkā viss aizgāja.

Un macho- nekas nav debīls, protams vienīgā probēma ir tas, ka bez citaam programmaam nav iespeejams uztaisiit momenta atkaartojumu/paleeninaajumu u.c. Bet pirms apstraadei taas visas fii4as ir baigi interesantas-it iipeshi free camera modaa var pamainiit dazhus no tiem iestatiijumiem, turklaat iespeejams pievilkt nesabojaajot video kvalitaati, kaa tas notiktu redigjeejot video. Un vispaar shtitaa jaunaa sisteema movie makingu padara daudz daudz vienkaarshu jo nav jaa4akareejas ar visiem star/endmovie u.c. Tieshi raw video ieguvei viss ir kruta.

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Vispaar demo video nopisaas edits, jo tam demo vajadzeeja piezemeeties tieshi pie kameras, bet nezinu kapeec taa nenotika :(

Come here cupcake starp citu man viena no jaunajaam miiljaakajaam tf2 rindinjaam.

Come here cupcake.

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